SEBE selected as the operator for Eastern region public bus lines in North Estonia.
- 03/03/2021
- 1 min
SEBE AS won the Eastern direction public bus lines operator public procurement organised by the North Estonia Public Transport Centre. Public service contract for operating the lines is signed for 8 years. Procurement conditions provide that at the latest 8 months after the carriage obligation begins, new buses are used for providing the service. During the first eight months the carrier has the right to use used vehicles.
Seven bus companies submitted tenders, the company with the most expensive tender asked 1.22 euros per line kilometre, SEBE offered 0.94 euros as kilometre price. After signing the contract, the main carrier can start working in three months, the new conditions are enforced from 7 June.
Until then SEBE continues providing the service on the Eastern lines pursuant to a direct contract. SEBE member of the board Üllar Kaljuste commented that the company will surely start providing contractual services from 7 June: “The currently valid direct contract will smoothly transition into a main contract along with the new obligations. We will do everything in our capacity to bring the new buses to the lines as quickly as possible. We hope to start providing the service on the lines with new buses at the latest within two months after the carriage obligation begins.”